Una rassegna di WIDAF认证在线购买

Wiki Article

Le candidat inscrit s’engage à respecter le Règlement de l'épreuve accessible sur notre site sous le lien

On the other hand, you can easily boost your score to the maximum, by getting familiarized with the structure of the test and its exercises.

We attach great importance to individual support Durante a pleasant learning atmosphere: Coppia to our small course sizes of max. 12 participants, our experienced instructors can optimally respond to your personal learning level. If you wish, we can also offer you an individual course Per which our instructors concentrate fully on you. You can join the course at any time - start preparing for your WiDaF certificate today.

Les frais de délivrance du certificat sont fixés selon le Règlement des frais en vigueur et sont indiqués dans l'inscription ainsi que dans le descriptif de l'épreuve sur internet.

Having a good knowledge of the skills measured during the exam will help you to focus on the essential points during your WiDaF training. Moreover, you can access the detailed corrections for each exercise and mock exams and follow the evolution of your scores as you prepare through the "Statistics and Corrections" section.

教职员工:提供在职教师工作证正面 (教师资格证不予认可)或者在职证明(盖公章),添加附件发送右键过去。

The WiDaF test is aimed on the one hand at professionals or students who need an assessment of their language skills, for example to apply for a job that requires German language skills, and on the other hand at people who want to improve their chances on the job market. But also to people who just want to know the level of their job-specific German skills.


Il vespero indiqué au candidat libre sur sa convocation s’il passe le test sous format papier ou sous format digital.

Le candidat « libre » remplit son inscription sachant que ces informations ; personnelles seront nécessaire pour l’émission du certificat ;

直接提交 取消 如您有其它疑问,您也可以通过华为云社区问答频道来与我们联系探讨

You can achieve a website total of 180 points. Each sections shows a separate result which goes to make up the overall total.

Dans la partie "Expression écrite", les candidats doivent montrer qu’ils sont capables de décrire des images par des moyens d’expression simples et de rédiger des messages courts.

Pour convertir son score, nous vous fournissons une corrélation entre les scores obtenus et le niveau du CECRL.

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